Week 51
Hi All,
Just a quick heads-up for the next few weeks—I have an exam on the 6th of January, so there might be a slight delay with the newsletters. Please let me know if you’d prefer to move to a monthly format or stick with weekly updates, even if a bit late. Your feedback means a lot to me!
Monday: Care Chemist
Started the week at Care Chemist, followed by a delicious lunch at a nearby Turkish place (despite a small "oops" moment with my food!). It's been a great week so far with plenty of smiles from the team.
Tuesday: Windsor Pharmacy
Spent the day at Windsor Pharmacy, learning to manage long shifts during the holiday rush. It’s tough but rewarding, and I’m getting better at pacing myself.
Wednesday & Thursday: St Mary’s Hospital
At St Mary’s, I reflected on the importance of empathy and fairness in prioritising patients. It’s a tricky balance, but one I’m learning to navigate carefully.
Friday: Cardiology in ITU
Friday brought valuable cardiology insights with a cardio exam in ITU. We dived deep into heart murmurs, which was fascinating and sparked a growing interest in cardiology.
Condition of the Week: Addison’s Disease
This week’s focus was Addison’s disease, a condition that often gets misdiagnosed. It was eye-opening to learn about adrenal crisis kits and how critical they are in emergencies. Small measures, like alert bracelets, can save lives.
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